Meet Anya Ranganathan, Founder of Bad Apple Produce

“I'm a statistical improbability. Less than 2% of VC dollars went to female founders last year, and it's especially hard to pitch a for-impact business to investors when they're primarily concerned with rapid growth. Compounded with the fact that I'm a young person of color, I don't belong to the traditional social networks that provide access to funding and large scale marketing platforms.”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Brielle Friedman, Brand Strategist and Business Coach

“I love working with people one-on-one; I'm incredibly good at seeing others people's stories and helping them tell them in a way that resonates with a specific audience; I excel at organizing a lot of information and bringing an idea to life; I know a lot of women, who know a lot of women, who know even more women. I call this re-scripting and it's such a great tool to help you tune into yourself and tune out external feedback!”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Louise Michaud, Founder of Ecology Soap

“I think it’s normal to feel unmotivated at times, but whenever I know that I have certain tasks or goals that need to be met, I remind myself of Newton’s law of physics: “Something in motion tends to stay in motion, and something at rest tends to stay at rest.””

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A CYP Interview
Meet Louise Heite, a Work Life Balance Coach

“The moment I shifted my mindset from believing I needed permission or an invitation to do what I love towards knowing that it is me holding those golden keys to open any door that feels aligned to me was an absolute game changer. Know that you hold the power and trust that you’re opening the right door.”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Saana Allie, F​ounder of Saana Design Company

“It is not easy - there are moments when I cry from exhaustion - but I hope to make the most of the resources available to me because of my parents and create a brand + community with a positive impact on women’s lives in the future. And one day I hope to say I followed in the footsteps of my heroes.” 

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A CYP Interview
Meet Julia Sokol, Founder of SassClass

“There were so many times that I thought to myself, it would be so easy to just give up right now, drop everything, and go back to the "safe path" of a corporate career - but something inside me wouldn't let me give up. I'm definitely a fighter and I'm grateful for that and proud of myself.”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Windy Nicely, Founder of Awakening of a Women

“It’s really wild to think that what most people fear are the very things that shaped my path. My life was hard and it’s taken a lot of perseverance to move through, but it’s also given me a lot. It’s polished me and refined me in the same way that the ocean erodes and smooths out pebbles—by force and intensity.”

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A CYP Interview