Meet Chelle Shapiro, Founder of Chellestation

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Meet Chelle Shapiro she is the Founder of Chellestation and also a Productivity Coach, Consultant & Activational Speaker

What was the most difficult part of the path that you had to overcome?

“The most difficult challenge so far has been changing my mindset and sticking with it. That’s not to say that I’m going to quit what I’m doing any time soon. I’m doing important work, and I’m not going to let others knock me off of this path.The naysayers are everywhere. Old ways are still lurking and creeping around in the shadows. I didn't change my mindset overnight. It happened over a period of time. It happened when I tuned out the negativity. It can be difficult not to slip up and let some of that negativity back in. I back-peddle. I misstep. I get Imposter Syndrome all the time. My passion and perseverance have kept me fighting and failing forward. I’ve learned to be my biggest champion throughout this journey.”

Check out her work on her website and follow her on Instagram.

A CYP Interview