Meet Sydney Weiss, Founder and Host of the "Seek The Joy" Podcast

“I’ve been searching for a deeper understanding of who I am my whole life, and growing up self-love wasn’t in my vocabulary. I never knew how to show myself unconditional love and compassion. I’ve always been someone that feels everything, and I struggled as a kid and well into my early 20’s. I never knew how to set good emotional boundaries, the idea of vulnerability freaked me out, and I defined my self-worth based on my external achievements”.

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A CYP Interview
Meet Ana Goldseker, Founder of Soul Maté

“There is no part of me that is hidden in my business. The most tender part of my soul, the part that craves more time with my grandmother or my father, sitting and drinking yerba is here. I am fully myself. All jewish latina! All about touching your arm while I talk to you, laughing really loud, getting bored unless you go deeper then just small talk. I am unabashedly and boldly declaring that relationships and connections with others are the only things that matter.”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Liana Pavane, Founder of TTYL

“I stayed motivated by going to as many events as I possibly could. I am invigorated by human connection and most inspired when I am around like-minded people, so I looked to spaces that hosted the types of communities I wanted to grow. In that journey, I also started something I called "solo experiences" which were sort of like solo date nights. Those solo experiences helped me become more in-tune with myself (as well as confident).”

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A CYP Interview
Meet Janice Radomsky, Brand & Business Strategist & Founder of the Blog "The New York State of Mind"

“Looking back, I was working off an incomplete script. And I say incomplete, because it was missing a few instructions. It didn't tell me what to do when I hadn't achieved certain outcomes within the prescribed timeline. It didn't teach me to ask questions about what I wanted in and around life's checklist. It didn't really encourage me to dream. In fact, my blueprint was missing a key factor. Me.”

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A CYP Interview