Joy is an Act of Courage

Happiness is a plan. Joy is an act of courage. .

The pursuit of happiness may be derailing us from experiencing joy. .

We make plans to get from here to there. And “there” is generally a happier place. .

And while I LOVE plans, this focused pursuit of happiness may be hindering us from experiencing joy. .

Joy is the pleasure derived from being present in the moment. The intentional focus of seeking out the beautiful, the humorous, the delicious. The result of being, instead of pursuing. Of focusing on what is instead of what could be.

But here’s the hard part - joy is an act of courage. With happiness, we set a happiness destination and if we achieve it we immediate set a new one, because their is comfort in having a plan. It does not require the courage that joy demands. Joy requires us to pay attention, to slow down, to see and be seen. .

We should absolutely continue to pursue happiness. We should continue to plan and build happy lives. And along the way, let’s not allow our happiness tunnel vision to prevent us from seeing and experiencing moments of glorious, wondrous, courageous joy. . .

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For more from Craft Your Path Founder Jacqueline Misla, be sure to follow her on Instagram at @JacquelineMIsla.

Jacqueline Misla, MSW