Going Back to Work is Harder For Some Than Others
Going back to work was harder for some than others.
After a break, it is not easy for anyone to get up early, get in front of a computer, and start working on things that you can barely remember - let alone remember why they are so important. And for those who are unhappy in their jobs, starting the new year in the same role is even harder.
You want things to feel new, fresh, filled with potential - and yet you find yourself on your same commute to your same job, with the same feeling of dread.
You will make changes. You will find the career that is aligned with your calling. However for now, you need to make the most of your current job.
Here are some tips.
1. Visualize what you want and clarify the skills you need to get you from here to there - then determine if you can get any of those skills at your current job.
2. Map out the steps to get the training, coaching, and experiences that you need to land and be successful in your new role - and figure out who at work or outside of work can help you.
3. Manage the energetic drain that you feel while working in a place you don’t love, while building the energy and excitement around your new pursuit - protect your energy at work and minimize the work you take home so that you can focus on your search.
Email me for more specific advice if you are looking to start a new career in 2020. You can and will do this!
For more from Craft Your Path Founder Jacqueline Misla, be sure to follow her on Instagram at @JacquelineMIsla.